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Use Email Followups to Boost Sales

Use Email Followups to Boost Sales

The best customers are repeat customers. The first sale to a customer shouldn't be your last. The first sale is the "front end" and followup sales are called "back end" sales. So many businesses go through tons of marketing work and cost to get a potential customer to...

3 Ways to Outrank Amazon in the Search Engines

3 Ways to Outrank Amazon in the Search Engines

Matt Cutts at Google does a great job answering people’s questions about SEO and ranking in Google.

A particular question relevant to selling products on provides a great bit of advice.

3 Ways Amazon Affiliate Sales can Boost your Business

3 Ways Amazon Affiliate Sales can Boost your Business

I make my living selling products on, but selling products on Amazon isn't the only way to make a nice income. What is the Amazon Affiliate Program? is a website where you can buy products (most people know this). It's also a place where you can...

How Many Products does it Take to Make a Living Selling on Amazon?

How Many Products does it Take to Make a Living Selling on Amazon?

How Many Products does it Take to Make a Living on Selling on Who doesn't want to have more time to do what they love? Other businesses require massive amounts of our most precious resource: time. Amazon has the tools so you can let Amazon take care of the...