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You’ve heard about the new Amazon Storefront for Brands, but there are a few things to consider when creating your store that can make it easier to manage and see results.

Open for Business 7 Pillars of Selling Online

Isn’t the Amazon Storefront Dead?

No way. Amazon Storefront for Brands is New.

This isn’t the Amazon Webstore or aStore services. It’s set directly within Amazon.

It’s an option that appears in the top menu of Amazon’s Seller Central. If you have a registered brand through the brand registry, you can create a specialized store of your products.

This is way different than just a list of your branded products.

The new storefront lets a brand owner post:

  • Video – Yes, you can actually put videos you create onto the page.
  • Design Layouts – Sellers can customize the way the page looks.
  • Custom Images – Upload images that help tell your brand’s story. The images can include text on them as well.
  • Multi-Page – Create different pages in the store based on categorization of your choosing.
  • Direct Links – A seller can choose which branded products they want to link to.

Why Should you create a New Amazon Storefront?

  • It’s Free. There’s no cost to it (at least as of this writing).
  • Your store can appear in search results.
  • As a seller, you have more control over how your products are displayed and have more flexibility to tell your story.

Possibly even better than Enhanced Branded Content, Storefront gives sellers a way to showcase various products from their brands in one place.

With that said, there are some things to consider when creating your storefront.

1. Get the Layout Right

Amazon Storefront allows for many different layouts that can be added to a page identified as “tiles.”

A tile can be full width, divided by half, and so on.

It’s very important to note that when adding tiles, the page preview will give one indication of size, but when you actually preview the page, you might be surprised at just how big a tile divided into only two parts shows up.

Before committing a lot of time to creating your pages, check the desktop preview. You might just want to use more sections per tile to keep things readable.

2. Let your Brand tell its Story

With text, pictures, and video, make sure to communicate not just the details about your products, but also the story behind what makes your brand special.

Consumers are latching on to brands they believe in. Show why your brand is different.

3. Use Storefront Pages and Link to Them

Amazon Storefront lets you create multiple pages. You choose how you want to use them, and the pages appear in the top navigation menu.

But what many sellers don’t know is that within the content of your pages (tiles), you can link to your other pages.

Link a tile to a page like you would linking to a product, but use the exact wording of the title of your page. It will appear in the search results. This is a great way of helping visitors see deeper into your brand’s pages.

4. Don’t forget to Preview in both Mobile and Desktop because there may be Problems

Amazon approves/reviews all Amazon Storefronts changes. The process can take “up to 72 hours.”

That’s a long time, and Storefronts can be rejected for spelling errors, text that is too small to read (in images), incomplete sentences, and more.

It’s the incomplete sentences that get most sellers. This can be because as of this writing, you create your text tile or product tile with a description, and it looks great in the desktop view, but the mobile version actually cuts off part of the text.

Even if your text is within the desktop “line limit.”

Oh, it’s frustrating if you have to wait 72 hours just to find out that you’ve got to edit down your sentences.

Key takeaway is to review every tile in the mobile view, and make sure to check the titles of your tiles. We noticed those getting cut off too.

5. Use Images and Video, but Don’t Forget Amazon Keywords

Lastly, make sure to upload great pictures, lifestyle shots of your product in use, pictures and videos about your brand, but don’t forget about the search terms you’d like to rank for.

Remember, your pages will be indexed for search. You can even view your traffic stats now.

Don’t load up on keywords. Keep everything written for a normal human being, but with that said, don’t forget to add the descriptive keywords for which you’d like to improve your rankings.

Amazon storefront is a way that savvy 3rd-party Amazon sellers can get their products in front of more customers and more importantly, be able to tell the story of their brand to those customers.

It’s just one of the many things you can do to sell successfully on

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